Saturday, June 24, 2006

This is a long ago tale... and I want to witness the need for such a position
of trust established in our community/state/culture. This is needed for all
those children abandoned, mothers left. In Indianapolis we have a billion to spend
on a stadium for football yet, the shelters for mothers with children are ignored.
Is getting better. admittedly, and yet... they need rested, nourished bodies in order to
be a better parent. Nutrition is mightily helpful with many behavior challenges, (and smells)
here in a nutshell is an idea worth attaching to the dollars flowing out of the
public wells. thanks>>>

A watchdog standing guard

This is a symbol of the involibility of experience as dramatized
for each individual through the social sanctions and legal rights on which he may count his own personal affairs. Community integrity requires the strengthening of each separate participant in its common functions so that he/she
may stand ready to protect and reinforce his fellows to the extent of his
capacity in each moment of crises. Effective living is a cooperative activity such as will stimulate the highest response from all.


positive- is unswearving faithfulness to ideals and a real determination to
achieve them

negative - unfriendly instincts & groundless suspicion.


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