Saturday, June 24, 2006

of my buddy Cliff using me as a guinea pig for his therapy
he spent a fortune learning this stuff and was so desirous of
finding his own way in this changing world to achieve his potential
and to connect with what he felt was a dawning of a new age...
I am happy to share his new path with those who might enjoy this
the story was our working regarding the death of my brother.
when we were done I was a mess... but the next day
my other brother called me to ask: "why did you bring our brother back?" he sobbed.
oh lord. lots happened. My brother went put his girlfriend on the phone
to describe our deceased brother... who she had never seen.
Our brother walked through the door of their apartment and proceeded to tell them:
"June sent me. I want you to know I'm alright and to love each other."

It took me the better part of the day to call my sister and tell her what had happened
because Barry my brother had been so upset I sure didn't want to deal with that
kind of emotion on a long distance phone call. I called Holly.
"Holly, Barry saw David... " and she replied: "I did too, today in my meditation.
he was standing right in front of me and told me he was ok and to know he
loved me; he knew I loved him.

so. David didn't tell Holly I sent him... cause Holly was already meditating for him
god bless. the experience was difficult, perhaps something like that was the basis
for the movie WHAT DREAMS MAY COME... where Robin Williams goes to Hell
to get his wife out. lovely. I believe it. I believe we helped Move the energy of
an loving intelligent sensitive young man out of sub-heaven and onto a place
of better learning. I have seen him (once) when doing a self healing session
when I called on the white brotherhood... (includes Jesus and Melchizedek)
and understood it to be a continuation of his desire to be a doctor.
for the bed was surrounded by energies called and willing to help.
and one of those energies looked/felt like my brother.

thanks Cliff,


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