Saturday, June 24, 2006

> claude steele> > When people are challenged in an area they care deeply about> fear of confirming negative steretypes can hurt their> performance> university of michigan/affirmative action
when I went to the art museum
and saw the art recognized from a difficult for me night
of doing massage on a couple of much wealth
and no small regard here in Indy.
I said something which makes me cringe
it was in response to my reaction -- an emotional reaction to
a night long ago.
I blew it and now bless it.
I charged $75 at that time for an outcall... dragging that massage table around town
taking music, oils, sheets and checking the oil in the car.
oh lord... I am tired merely remembering it. the money helped.
what a life. what a reputation

when I came home from massage training
EVERY night the county prosecutor made
headlines and the television newscast
by 'busting' massages 'parlors'
and there were times when I simple couldn't say what it was I did
there were times when I wrote on my new white dress
what I did and what my phone number was....

but the overall strong and snooty image of massage was:
Good Girls Don't Do Dat.

there were a few moments when I wished I'd even known about the Cayce school in Virginia Beach for those folks would have (perhaps) a more spiritual view of massage.


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