New moon. Attended a 'tree steward' instruction via the
Indianapolis Neighborhood Counsel, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.
Sat next to a fellow whose presence felt very comfortable.
Accepted. Easy to speak.
hear myself say: "In August I my best friend was working on my car
and it fell on him killing him".
I heard myself say: "In 1963 when I first went to high school, they asked
me what I wanted to study and I told them, Botany. They told Botany
wasn't offered anymore because Woolen Gardens
was being torn down and they didn't have
anyplace to show students the different trees and ferns.
I graduated from high school in three years,
told the counselor she didn't have anything to teach me.
Finally I will learn some stuff about trees."
I didn't say: 'learn about trees besides what I already
feel about trees -- they are alive, they are conscious,
They talk to Me and I talk to Them. Trees shade me in the summer.
Trees show off in the spring. Trees wave byebye leaves
in colors of falling to the ground to make dirt.
Trees are home to insects, birds, squirrels, opposum,
raccoons, and I don't know nearly all the creatures
they harbor and feed. I know I wouldn't breath so fine
without Trees. Trees call the waters from the sky; after
the Trees gift the moisture to the clouds.
I heard myself say: "the word 'developer' is an oxymoran";
after remarking on Koscene taking the green eye relief on
Keystone Avenue just southwest of the Juvenile Center
and 'clear-cutting' it for an 'Enterprise Zone'.
I know from my reading that Enterprise Zones are not
what they were intended for. They don't work to
elavate an area. Enterprise zones are one of those
federal loopholes to work money not land, not people, not really.
And Trees DO elavate an area... the
spirit and heart of a place.
I wasn't the only person there to note the ugliness of what Koscene has
lazily done.
I heard myself say: "There oughta be a law."
Among my notes is some kind of skit ala Saturday night Live or
farenheit 450... titled The Tree Police. I like the idea...
wonder how many others could contribute. This gaggle of folks
among them many who love trees THIS MUCH.
I kept 'zoning out', falling asleep.
I heard myself say: "Last night I was so excited about this class,
I couldn't sleep." At 7 this morning I was sleepier than I had been
all night long."
Today I called about the possibility of spreading
my friend's ashes where his brothers' ashes were spread...
it isn't a good time. We must wait 2 weeks. Full Moon.
That will be a good time. Let's see, figure in my head. Two weeks.
Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries. Guess that's fine...
Aries, the warrior. Aries action.
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