Monday, August 21, 2006

triggering thoughts

ok this was a spell ago.. in fact on my birthday 2003
the fellows email address was emu. (a bird (the bird's the word)
edu... like I like education
and tr... guess who
just sharing... golly that has been some kind of magical mystery tour
and here I am sitting again wondering what where who why when how
ok nuff... enjoy just another aspect for falling into
I wanna hold your hand. yep. and then some. later. who is that masked man ?
he titled it Triggering thoughts (as in Trig Fontoon a motel room in bodega bay
one full moon 11 years away)

Deep Breath, relax, begin.
It always starts the same and then
Turns, twists, sounds, feelingering
Let it go and move on
Now to the sound of a silence
Deeper than the deep breath
What a surprise I didn't know
it could be that deep.

Words are signs?
Signs signify
Always something other than themselves?
Varindra said:
Everything is always about something different.
I think he meant something else
Back to the deep, back to the wall
Pack for the journey back home.

I learned my part: arms outstreached
Waiting. Accepting time's advances
What a flirt Time is - always dancing
With my present
With my next moment as it
The energy was already spent.

The yes-me-no-you-push-me-pull-you
Were you?
Then What?
And Time
Still Finally.
It's nice out here: you can move in spaces
"That don't exist" she finishes for him.
Yes, you have to make it happen, he replies.
And time is you he says
(because there is no time)
And so you have to
Make Time For Me.
And a pullover or a cardigan or even a pair of socks
For my long winter nights without you.
To show I care? She thinks.
To show you care, he thinks back.
But he doesn't believe in show-and-tell
He only really believes in Be-and-fill-me-with-you
But socks are nice and esier to talk about anyway
and winter nights can be cold too.

I'm not very good at this he confesses

And she says she knows and that she doesn't mind
She applauds the effort and it gives him courage
To move one more step toward the light
And she likes the way it shimmers and dances on his lightly tanned skin.
The magician may only have one trick
But she's still the magician,



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