parade for 38h street here in Indy
If only is the blues baby. and my link to the goddess network
has been cheerfully gifted & received. lest we forget
what has been removed is still here. I loved the Narnia chronicles
(from way back in the early 70's) due to the retoratory:
THE DEEP LAW. cause here in the good ole USA
the lawmakers are pocket pickers. they be forgetting the deep law.
nope they never heard of it.
years ago our Lilly Endowment (funded by Eli Lilly Pharmacueticals)
the endowment did a survey was it 25 years ago now?
what do people need
what do people want
the answer to both questions was SPIRITUAL HEALING
so they gave us prozac. bummer of a laugh line.
I am keeping myself busy with an idea of a parade in this area due to the
inconvenience of a massive road re-building which has been going on for
lots longer than the time I have been here... doesn't look like it will be
finished anytime soon. The idea is to anchor a feeling of community.
To anchor permission to parade... permission to take over what is and
will be a Major street here in Indy. They are putting fiber optics in and
new water lines so the road is dug about 4'... over a meter ...
oh the barricades and mess. businesses have suffered. cars have suffered.
and perhaps I mailed (email or snail mail) the letter that got published in
a local paper. I am using that. Willie Nelson is a beloved country singer
and I wrote him a letter sending it 6 times to various addresses where he
might get to actually see it. he sang a well-known song: on the road again.
I don't need to be in it. I don't need to lead it. I would like to dance in the street...
I truly want folks to get out and see their neighbors, celebrate, parade. for heavens sake. New Orleans is gone... the spirit of parade has to be invited someplace.
why not here?
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