Saturday, July 15, 2006

the 'too cute' baby animal email arrived

the day after I removed the smelly puffed and dead
mouse from the cupboard...
Have I lived so long that Everything seems to be quickly
apparent to me -- the eyes in the sky see everything
and comments? votes, judges, gambles, plots, scripts,

Has been going on so long. Seems to me a dose of
magical elixir is deserved....

how many people do you know
been to Amsterdam and didn't smoke pot.
been to Key West and didn't get laid.
lord I am so boring.

Recently listening to Diane Reem on her NPR morning show
I heard a quote attributed to Lord Byron: 'The most dangerous friends
are those who expect great things from you'...

and good golly there is that feeling... some of those feelings I miss.
messages from all around including folks who have claimed to know me
and I don't recall them at all..

back to baby animals.
lord. those sweet little darlings
I suppose I deserve it... you wouldn't have missed
the stamp you got from me had a Beaver on it.
Dear god in heaven... the best dam builder in America.

There must be a slew of mice here. I have gotten six in traps... after
I finally said: ok you guys find another home or this is what happens.
shit. I identify with mice and dolphins and ask god to be aware and grateful
I have seen, smelled, tasted, touched, been touched by such design, beauty, abundance.
Heard such beauty? not so sure that block isn't why
I (and ancestors) have hearing problems, passages clogged with wax

sin cera
meaning without wax
meaning this artist didn't have to plug and plane the mistaken chips
meaning my artist put an abundance of wax in these ears
blocking sounds overpowering the whispers of
birdsong, whale song, mothers call,

When ya build something sensitive, how to protect it?

Ignorance is bless... damn / bless

Once upon a time I explained to a fellow that I sin cerely wanted
to teach teachers Empathy and he in turn, exclaimed:
"My God, that would kill them."

Pull me back. My smile turned into a big Emmett Kelly.
Big and upside down. Seems, could be, monkey
mind is at it again,
every and any ole thing can go any old diddly do space/place

merging love and hate into a new light energy
oops. there goes monkey mind again.

Four batches of Kombacha growing in the closet.
I drink my Kombacha from the biggest wine glass here.
and am considering my tea-totaling as leaving behind a resource
toward a certain spiritual purge.

a glass of red wine certainly provokes the
end of a worthwhile days efforts.

new moon ceremony July 24 or 25.

if you are in the vacinity... I have a cell phone now...
signing off, slightly off, and still dusting to do...
be well, j


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