Saturday, July 08, 2006

explore resolution

1. something lasts too long .. life flow ebbs .. stasis
2. intervention .. outside forces happen .. ending stasis creating sidedness
3. completion experienced .. a lack of certain things...
4 gives rise to conflict
5. things separate .. split or fall apart .. a sense of destruction
6 destruction produces sense of emptiness a void which attracts new
7 possibilities when combined with the old stuff threaten to overwhelm
the situation thus makin necessary
8. the process of selection and rejection to
9 bring a new balance into play all else excluded is excluded that
inhibits and is without meaning
10 the selection and rejection go on until a new harmony is formed called
11 integration.. a new center
12 resolution occurs when conflict is replaced with a sense of unity

transformation is born when a new meaning results

joy is the evidence of transformation .. a fuller reality leaps into being..
for awhile anyway.


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