I am 57
this past week roller-bladed about 2 miles on the Monon Trail.
there and back to the house B bought.
checking it out. change of pace.
oh dear. yes it is hot and humid here
and yet, my imagination tells me the days in Brasil
helped me adapt. I know I can be hot and sweat pour off me... and be happy.
I am in air/conditioning.
I don't like the noise. I would sweat to not hear the constant rumble of
the air modified by this gizmo that has the tomatos leaning far away
from the a/c unit outside the dining room window.
I went as far as around the block on the bike.
I don't know how the Princess of the Princess and the Pea felt
I do identify with her when riding this bike.
Charles gave me the bike in exchange for an emergency first aid kit
when the now defunct Bicycle Action Project was around the corner.
It is a Schwinn... an 11 year old girls dream (1950's)
Nothing fancy. Simply a joy to ride. Easy. Comfortable.
I left it on the porch
back when I lived between Delaware and Alabama in Indiana.
Back when I lived between the liquor store and the detox center.
Back when I lived across the street from the magnet guy
and around the corner from the de-magnetize guy.
I left it on the porch. Got sidetracked by a phone call.
Went outside to finish my riding and
the Schwinn had ridden into the sunset.
Fifteen years later, I spy a similar bike at my friends house.
I told her it was just like the bike I used to own.
She tells me she bought it from a guy on tenth street for $10
ten at least years ago.
My front porch was on tenth street. Between the liquor store and the detox center.
Anyway I get on the bike today to ride. Finally. I'd been ignoring my inner voice
saying this is what you need-- you need to walk bike blade sweat
pray and be in nature. Finally I take the bike out. The bike that has
enjoyed renewal and retooling, rebooting so to speak what with the new
tire on the back.
Alas. Something is happening with the rear tire on the back
feels like a bumpy road on a smooth road.
Not enjoyable. The seat pitches me forward and spreads my butt cheecks.
I don't like it. The saggy shadow has enough to contend with -- Gravity.
Bummmity bukmpity bummmity, on the newly paved 37th Street.
no go. I begin to wonder if this is what the Princess of the Princess and the Pea
contended with. Just no wonder. June Know. Yep that archetype too.
I like to swim although some wouldn't call it swimming.
I like to bike although some wouldn't call it biking.
I threw my main bike in the garbage, when, after many modifications and
hundreds of dollars spent on it -- it still didn't perform near what I assumed
was the point of the investment. Although my investment didn't come near
to matching what is possible to spend.
In the world of bicycles.
I am on the bottom rung of Mazlow's heirarchy.
That leaves blading and swimming.
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