Sunday, June 25, 2006

I have been loved. I have been kissed and touched and tasted and seen
happily easily I share the pleasant thoughts come by wind and water
in twilight and firelight and fireflies
and get to put my hands in the dirt
planting this day some St Johns Wort
yellow flowers and well drained soil. Today is the new moon for those
feelings of despair ('the saint johns wort remember?... natures a little something for
the feelings of powerlessness, how deep a depression. I will plant the St John's Wort for the new moon. anchor the intent of space to shift change with the moon.
These arms reach all the way to there and beyond. Reach.)
keep smiling. shape-shift My perspective. Enjoy. It's not all about me.

my eyes
recognize the right to feel,
the fight to heal.
I have been touched and
cradled by such fine souls seeking their wounds to heal. I have been willing, eager, forlorn.
I have been happy. A state of forlornless. Si. Is it enough?
desire is big as the cosmos, connection, acceptance, sharing, learning. Is this all there is?
(Charmed by Peggy Lee's song including the fire from my eleventh year. Now smilingly
titled: my parents were so passionate the house burned down. Going home that morning
and there was none;


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