Monday, June 26, 2006

Jerome took me to the Indianapolis Art Museum where we stood on the glass floor held up by thousands of little plastic people... don't ya feel it? We are shouldering holding up something that we can't see, sell, smell, an entire culture depends on us.
Don't you feel it? I love it. The glass floor says so much to me.

Jerome took me the long way home.
There was a pictureques-nest about being chauffered in that big white Lincoln .
Winding roads lined with trees; The near westside.
I am not familiar with this neck of the winding roads.
I grew impatient.
He wanted to watch the sunset.
Sunset? There are clouds in the sky!

There were clouds everywhere.
Thick grey clouds blocking any color from a sunset.
Say what? ok.

I don't recall what we stumbled upon while scouting around-about off
38th street which is under construction.
It has been a dangerous, dirty and confusing time.
I am a seasoned driver. No little ol lady from Pasadena...
I drive to get there and allow for the car in front of meto have a blow-out.
Jerome didn't seem to know his way around this part of town either.

We got home.
I mention this because, Jerome, the other day when I was on my way
due west on 38th street. I walked to the store, familiarizing myself with the variety of businesses...(anticipating a community enlivened by a Parade on 38th street
when the years long construction -- the road refinishing is Finished)
It was sunset time.
It was cloudy.
I was looking at the clouds when a flash of lightening behind the clouds lit up the sky;
the lightening a backdrop to show red, and pink behind the clouds
along with the bolt from heavens above ... through the clouds .
thanks for suggesting I would see such a thing...
feel like one of those Indians on the shore while Columbus was in a ship...
but they couldn't see the ship cause they had never seen such a thing.

The sunset through clouds. wow.

Jerome took me to the Indianapolis Art Museum where we stood on the glass floor
held up by thousands of little plastic people...


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