Sunday, June 25, 2006

old pages... 6-11-2001

Recieved EMF session from Linda Carter this AM.
Went to the Hermitage to read some of McKenna'
ARCHAIC REVIVAL/swept the back steps/cleared out closet
for files/arranged for an ad with NUVO/talked to Catholic.
Read 5+ year old morning pages/wrote some.
Called Ginny about a brain fart--changing my name
to Helen Ellen. Made appointment for another EMF--Friday.

Here at Hermitage the grass is newly mowed.
Made effort @ committement at being here in this new space.
Thought again -- reinforced by Rob -- volunteer @ nursing home. Talked with Michael
the helper at the Hermitage -- and he is the little boy who lived across the street
some 30 years ago when I was first married... the little boy across the street. Michael
was my first exposure to learning differently. His mom really went all out
to help this quiet child... got him a balance beam and trampoline to help
his left brain right brain work together. Brain Gym.
Took that class with my daughters when they were in school.
It helped me stay with the weeds in the yard all a day.
Helped me not be a.lazy, b. focused, c. not distracted.
Brain Gym.

Michael and I --
We talked about 'the fox, elves, fairies and little people about the property.

There are so many clues and my imagination
leaps @ gypsy tramp of high intellect -- traveling with him.

6-12... nuttin good to say about them so don't

pulled weeds from day lily bed.
got poison ivy.

EMF -- 1st Express honor for your history
gratitude for wisdom gained.
2nd Center in your core energy
an alignment of your connection to unlimited power
3rd Reach out in balance to potential reality
co-create consistently

The more you practice being the posture of a self-enabled human
The more self-enabled you become.

Cold spedulum morning. No infection otherwise AOK.
Long nap @ Hermitage, early lunch at India Garden.
Visited by two geese and 7 gooslings. Had a dream I don't remember.
Turned a table around when wanted a space occupied by a spider.

Indications I should stop what I am doing --
walk swim.

the only phone call thus far today answered hung up.
Surrender Dorothy.
Write the story June. No excuses , add the glimmer glamour
cantor of best for all concerned.

knowing when to give and when to receive.
1st EMF honor your history
expressing gratitude for wisdom
2nd Center in Core (present)
3rd Reach out in balance to potential reality.

There came a time for acknowledging how much love and healing came back because
there has been so much healing. thanks June

Martin Luther King Jr: 'Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered."

Driving to an EMf appointment I recalled being called a Warrior.
After the session Linda described an Indian Warrior (painting)
she has that she felt called to give me. More Stuff.

On a path? Oh Lord
Spirit Fire Earth Sea
Open my heart and enter me.

Invoke higher powers:
Maitreya, Jess, Buddha, Kali, Skakti, David, Melchizadek,
Kwan Yin, Sai Baba, Atma,
Angels of
Earth Wisdom
Muses of Arts Music Letters spoken word,
Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, Cheryl Diehl, Mary
Master Chang, Rama, Terrence McKenna, George Harrison,
Walt Disney, Albert Switzer, Martin, Robert and JOhn,
Allah, Bakman...
all my ancestors, the overlighting Devas of healing,
PLease go back to the beginning of this situation of my turning from Rob and
not listening nor participating in a re-creation of Love Healing Glory, a reformation, for the good of all...
In this situation I would very much require the helps and loving intervention of your loving
creative light and forgiveness from the point where all this originated and fill with light all bodies, all chakras,
all dimensions, all people, all places and bring
into present time the resolving of the situation.
Light fill all
astral with forgiveness of every other physical
place and body with myself to present and future

And many thanks deep gratutude for your
energetic loving intervention in the situation.
thanks you thank you


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