Sunday, June 25, 2006

I look at want ads seeing sales jobs yes I am a Gemini and sales in the past was best with an intangible product... knocking on doors asking for help to prevent a now defunct nuke plant. Economic, environmental, mostly economic. I didn't want to pay for it and certainly didn't want my children's children's children to pay for it.
I hadn't a clue it was a political job until I went to the Statehouse here in Indy to watch the legislature vote the proposal for 'construction work in progress' down.
All I knew was the light bill already biting me and the utility was the best investment for stock dividends in the country.
This message is brought to you after reading the chairperson of the Roads and Transportation here in Indy would't vote out of committee a proposal to fine cell phone users $25 for using the phone while driving...
she is quoted as saying it was "unfair to single the phone users for the bigger picture was distractibility". LAME BLAME Lame... I feel a little step back.
Sometimes I do want to babysit the elected officials.

Dogs barking and a couple arguing on the snow covered street. oh joy where is the sun? Just finished a fairy tale. The queen died. Making the intangilbe manifest. Did dat. a dream of massage in Indy visible viable, accessible and acceptible. and now to move on...
Hoping while 'they' (the new massage folks) intend healing work we/they become healed.

Love the story. Told in meditation I was to do massage as a way of touching people one at a time. Be grounded (the hope of the Gem.) Did have a client once tell me he didn't want any of the heightened awareness stuff.... later learned he was a crack addict.

Do you mind if I write a diary to you.

I did wake remembering the rhythms of the sea are in me. in me. in me.

Think of a tall man with a little butt beginning to succumb to gravity... like my big butt.
So attempt some yoga today.
Long long time ago first yoga class
I had to touch the earth and shrink to get into the car (my ol Firebird)
and return to the world of my responsibilities.
Hope to get into a pals hot tub first to warm the joints.
Haven't manifested my world again, or yet,
a favorite jazz piece is 'pick up the pieces' (peaces)
and the inner mouse has scrutiny neglecting the
tall man with halo attracting cardinals, hawks, egrets, ituiru,
after the intro lecture using chakra meditation
I enjoyed leaving the house and the birds outside on the walk not noticing me,
I walked around them like Snow White.
Hardly a Virgin;
eating Cheeries won't bring it back.
Love Cheeries like birds love cheeries.
Fell from a red ribboned cheery tree once shared with the birds.
Strawberry fields forever.
The train whistles sprinkling some moans on the snow covered road.
And bird tweet, the weather bouncy and folks sneezing and coughing.
Still the bird tweets. And the train carries frieght into the distance.
The bird insists Spring Spring.
Spring off this seat stretch your body, open the mind, drive to exercise, seek companions, interact, share, receive, inform, receive. The cobbler comes. As you wish.

in '94 I was at the bookstore buying Ishmael after many massages
gave away at least 40 maybe more.
loved the book
without gorilla where is man?
love the book
leavers and takers
finished a Helprin book and the antagonist characters named
Tookisheims. loved it.
I had the strange response once in the Sedona hills
to a gentleman
well after I picked up a piece of lapis
Lloyd told me he knew where I could pick up 'chunks of that as big as your fist'
and I told him... it is nice just knowing it is here. I didn't feel like disturbing it....
then again it may have been a case of
not 'doing' with a 'gift'
cause somebody else will. or it may have been after
considering oil as the earth's blood
and yes, I seem to recall thinking of it as a scab that didn't want picking
a remedy for wounds.
I think it was near Jerome which offered the best and to my mind the only
way to serve wieners... grilled!
phoooey to the hot water boil
ok. Ishamael,
the next month I was entering the jungle of Tikal, Guatemala
w/ folks who actually asked aloud if the monkeys knew we were there
and I in my impatience left the group to get lost with giant ant hills
and decaying orchads.
and the lalpis necklace I bought later I gifted to a little girl with
so many physical problems if ever I think on the necklace
I bless heaven for she would surely be better off there by now.
thanks for your response. I am at another friends on the river now.
The yoga class a no go for me this week.
I will try again. when the instructor who emailed me I could stretch with her class for free
w/o fee is free to escort me beyond the moneycharger.
nice colors Debbie has in this room facing the muddy waters moving beyond the windows
eggshell blue. Sing a song even in your heart. love june


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