Friday, November 24, 2006

Colombia not edited

I went to Colombia to offer my daughters the opportunity to travel outside the country in an environmnt and with people I knew they would flourish around. I went to Columbia to give my girls the best and cheapest vacation I could. I went to Coloombia to explore and see for myself what Subud is. I went to Colombia because one of my dearest friends will be retiring there and I wanted insight into visiting... and her new life.

I went to colombia to show my daughters the whole world isn't white -- they live three miles from Danny Whiebread Quayle. I went to colombia because the state department said not to. I went to colombia to take cold showers if there was any water. I went to colombia to bbecome sick of coffee forever and ever. I went to colombia to get bitten by every conceivable insect and develop a sinus infrection headaches, and difficulty breathing which kept me in a bunk, which had me wonder how many more inches I had than the slave ships... at least I could go to the latrine when I went to Colombia to bleed in a foreign language. I went to Colombia to lwearn that I'm also allergic to Sulfa drugs and my legs swelled up like elephants. I went to colombia to sniff out some man who would put god above himself and maybe me.
I went to colombia to do some intense purification and difficult latihans. I went to colombia to be saturated with the Subud projects which showed such need in the world I fell ill again and again...about Algeria, Colombia, Ukraine, Ecuador, Peru, Indonesia... I qwanted so mcuh to do something, anything, give, give, and decided I could go home and weed my garden.
I went to colombia to see little boys carrying machine guns. I wentto Colombia to support a poor country's efforts at establishing a university. I went to Colombia to see a beautiful building. I went to colombia ato breathe clean air, take siestas during h=the day and listne to music and dancing all night. I went to Colombia to see the night sky from a different hemisphere. I went to Colombia to ba away from the noise of traffic... and we were three blocks from the Pan-Am highway. I went to Colombia to learn the native healers are angry about the war on drugs taking the healing coke plant our of their homes. It's possible I couldn't enjoy Colombia without the coke plant. I went to Colombia to witness customs practices upon leaving (which are U.S. inspired) which discourages tourism--I was frisked 5 times.
I went to Colombia to discover a frustration at peeping toms who carry guns and don't speak my language...
I countred every passing day until I could leave. My daughters didn't want to leave. They loved it. I went to Colombia for my daughters and Colombia. Never say anything bad about Colombia to my daughters! I came home to sunflowers 12 feet tall, tomatoes full fallen to the ground, corn stripped from the stalk--I hope it was good. I am in a jungle that needs lots of weeding.

deseo a hombre

quien es muchos hombres,
el artista, el cientifico, con el foco en muchas ventanas.

The fountain
camine con me
el arbol de la vida
encena del amor de pajaros la banera del pie de la garra

Thursday, November 23, 2006


twisted felt comfortable to me

I considered Charlie Chaplin
his legs creating a shape,
my year and a half old, little boy
who didn't yet speak...
laughing out loud at a silent movie,
City Lights

My right

opposable thumb
opposes me.

what do George Washington, Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush have in common?

I took a 5-6 miles walk this afternoon...
and when I got back...
a bowl of corn flakes looked about as good as it gets...
green bean casserole, turkey, turkey dressing, cranberry stuff from a can
(this after trying a friends recipe for cranberry sauce and
that is IT)
baked beAN,
BAKED POTATO all ready for my brother

... I'll take the corn flakes.

saw the movi national treasure last night
with nicholas cage
one thing I really liked about it was
how cage and crew
cared about the Constitution.
loved it. and today remembering the dream of / for / America

I went to our eiteljorg museum of western art
this week with Christine's kids...
what do George Washington, Adolf Hitler and George W. Bush have in common?
they are all on a quilt in the eiteljorg museum.

Today I have grown taller from walking with the trees."