Saturday, August 19, 2006

jack Sandy 2

here are my thoughts.
Nuvo has published for some time an opportunity to become a DJ for 30 minutes
on Monday nights at the Melody Inn on Illinois just north of 38th street.
no CD's only LP.s

(this is a place my father once took me to because he had
enjoyed the music) my father would wake us up playing
Herb Alpert and the Tiajuana Brass full blast on the stereo. He really loved music.

Jack loved music. Jack for a time had his late great best friend Kent Newmans
album on the wall of his living room. The album is of 'Duets for spanish guitar and harp.
the blurb saiys Holly Lynn is a harpist, dancer and choreographer, Kent Newman (el Rubio) is a composer and guitarist. (Kent was also his friend who had the distinction of being a Gringo bull fighter... do I have that correct? )
Holly and Kent -- Together, as Doradus they have performed on the concert stage, on television and in the theatre. They have toured internationally, lectured and concertized at many of the major performing art centers, universities, and museums in the U.S.

It is an L.P.

Perhaps next Monday night we could take this album and play it with a few of Jack's friends in attendance.
It doesn't begin until 9... gotta sign up around 8:15
and I am not sure of the Nashville and Bloomington 'old timers'
being up for traveling and staying up so late.
alas. I would enjoy your input.
thanks and much love and light...


June and friends,

A tribute that includes Jack’s beloved flamenco music would be wonderful. I will be there in spirit.

Here are a few of my memories about Jack:

Jack and I dated in the early 70s. We met near San Jose State through a friend while I was a sophomore at the seminar-based program, New College. He was, of course, an offbeat guy with a lot of intelligence (just my type!). I was not attracted to the goofy, immature sophomores I went to school with, but preferred hanging out with the older, cigarette smoking, skinny, opinionated Jack Sandy!

We spent nice times at the Mt. Hamilton place with Cindy, Kent and others. (Cindy was making tie dye shirts at the time in an electric skillet, and working p/t at a retail store). We hung out for hours just listening to Kent (and sometimes Wayne) playing their guitars at home and at local nightclubs. As I recall Jack had a big old truck that used to be a fire truck. We’d rumble up to the mountain in that thing. I remember he also had some sort of 50s sedan. We went to the drive in -- Barbarella. We thought the movie was so bad we decided to leave, but Jack couldn’t start the car, so we had to be towed, right in the middle of the movie.

Jack and some of his friends soon were doing p/t work for my dad, who had a brine-shrimp packing and distribution operation on the Oliver Bros salt ponds on the SF bay. In fact, many of us family and friends did stints at the place, standing up next to a wooden table, packing gloppy brine shrimp harvested from the bay into bags for freezing. Jack did a lot of things at the place… After we had split up and I had gone off to SFSU he was still there, if memory serves me. (In case you were there, the ponds – at least some of them -- are being reclaimed for habitat. All the Olivers are gone; the two sons died young).

Jack was a good friend who religiously kept in touch with those he cared about. (Perhaps some of you may remember his realization recently that he might be making a pest of himself. For me, there is no such thing as “too much communication”).

He was curious about everything, and seemed to know how to do a wide variety of practical things. I could picture him being ok anywhere in the world, living by his many skills and his wits.

It always seemed that for any subject I mentioned, Jack had a story! When I was younger, they seemed outlandish, but I realize now that he lived life “large”, enjoying a wide range of folks…..he seemed to be attracted to intelligent, eccentric folks. Unfortunately, the years have faded a lot of the memories! I hope that someone in the family does hang on to all those stories he started writing down recently …

In recent years, we emailed regularly and were in touch by phone at least every few months. He was very concerned when I went through a tough divorce a couple of years ago, and made extra effort to keep in touch after that and offered me a place to stay if I needed it. That was very touching and meant a lot to me. As I mentioned to June, Jack seemed to get more sentimental in recent years, always signing off his calls saying “I love you”. The last time I talked with him he seemed really tickled to have folks around (June’s daughter and family). I was so happy he had some caring people nearby! The last time we talked he seemed strong and happy… I even remarked to myself as I hung up the phone that he seemed more secure and that the call had a different feeling about it. He seemed at peace.

And last but not least as far as memories, I’ll always remember his unmistakable and distinctive voice and laugh… it’s hard to believe I’ll never hear them again. I’ll miss you, Jack!

Best wishes to all,

Sara Werry Baldwin

June et al: I think the airing of Doradus in the area would be a
nice tribute to Jack. This was the period when we knew him most
directly. I dont think any of you know us...its Steve and Sharon
Daly. We were undergrad students at San Jose State Univ. with Jack
in the first half of the 60's. Kent was around, sometimes staying at
Jacks. I remember the house because once we went to Mexico and asked
the two of them to keep an eye on our pregnant Siamese cat and
mentioned if she had kittens it would be nice to know what order they
came out in (due to some theory about runts). When we got back the
kittens each had a number painted on them with finger nail
polish...there were 5 or 6 kittens which they had kept "caged" by
putting them on top of a tall dresser. Another time we had agreed to
meet the gang (including Sue Black who Jack thought hot) at their
house. When we knocked and then looked thru the window in the door
they were asleep on couches and the floor...maybe a half-dozen.
Small vials were around...we left a note saying we came by but they
were all dead! (Everyone was fine and I never determined what
experiment had gone on). We had a studio behind the house on 10th
street I shared with Arthur Shultz and had some parties there. I
remember Jack and Arthur debating philosophy. Jack and many of our
friends from San Jose State came to our wedding in 1964. The bride
went home to Laguna Beach with the groom and pals following (I think
there were 4 of us) in my VW bus. We drank some on the way down and
were having a great time until I failed to brake in (my soon-to-be
father and mother in laws) driveway and hit the garage door. We
didnt seem to worry about much back then. We saw jack a couple times
before his attack and then only communicated by email. Now jack and
kent are gone. We still hear from Arthur who lives outside LA. Dont
know where the rest are up to. Sharon and I will have another
anniversary on the 24th of this month. In the last years Jack sent
along some great stories...I told him he should write a book about
that period between hipsters and hippies as he knew it so well and
helped some of us live it. GOOD BYE JACK. love to you all. Steve
Stephen Daly, FAAR
Professor, Sculpture Area
University of Texas at Austin


jack sandy

those skinny legs still and under a cloth.
I asked to see him. What a shock. My daughter blubbering and
the 9 year old Mikhaela dumb.

He had been worried about her moods. As we watch little girls grow up
and change with sprouting bodies. We all have occasion to wonder
at the cheerful child we knew seems distant.

Last month I picked them all up (in Jack's car)
and took them to a Latino Festival at a park.
I thought I was taking them to music. Turned out to be dance.
Couldn't have been better. Jack and the kids really liked it.
Mikhaela wanted to learn the Folklorico dance. I took her
and she liked it. The kids all bi-lingual. She hoped to learn Spanish too.
Special dress, special shoes... I managed to find similar shoes.
We spent the day Full Moon in Aquarius and 8-8-2006
looking for a pattern for the skirt/falda in the fabric stores. No Dice.
Couldn't find a pattern.

Took her home. Jack had emailed Brigitte at 2:30 about oil prices and
he called her at 4:30 thanking her for letting me use her car since he was working on
his car in the backyard.
around 6:30 he was dead.

She dreamed of him two days later. She told me: I asked him why he was here and he replied: "I have to help the guys fix the car" then she asked him what happened and he replied: "I kicked the front of the car but forgot to kick the back..." (to make sure the Jacks-new jacks that Jack had bought for the project to make sure the Jacks were secure... either they weren't or they gave way) Jack was Jacked. shit.

she told me she couldn't figure out why Jack came to her and she got on line...
(she has been bed-ridden and not on line since the shooting)
the first email she saw was from Jack and then she remembered the phone call.

Also one day after her episode he looked at me and said: "I wanna see Brigitte's thighs." oops. bad boy.

Melissa and the kids walked to the store and Jack was on the front porch when they left. When they returned he wasn't on the porch and they went into the house to
fix dinner. Melissa told Mikhaela to call Jack to dinner and she went outside and
couldn't get a response from him... and the car was tilted.

They tried picking up the car. Did I send you the email Jack had written a friend about a time when he felt his head exploded? Seems prophetic cause that is where the car landed. Brigitte journals her dreams and told me about a dream she had journaled
dated July 9th... that she was shot. She was shot July 30th.

I feel in the eye of a hurricane. all around me.

I don't cry -- be strong. oh lord.

The place is a surprise for Jack's friend here in Indy... Jack helped Clifford buy a car by driving him around last month until they found one. Clifford has known Jack for decades. Jack had me meet his former wife last winter when she was exhibiting at the Indiana State Museum Artists Show. She makes women's jackets from antique kimonos.

Clifford is helpful right now although his court ordered halfway house
(a mighty drinker) keeps him very busy.

We've about got the house cleaned. ha.
yet, what we've managed to do is move dirt and expose the mold and
other collections of bacteria... so the kids and mEL
are coughing lots in the morning. I don't think they can stay there.
actually they don't think they can stay there even though
Kay, whose name is on the deed, would like them to stay and has said they can stay until she sells it.

Suzanne, he would have left the house to me but I knew what work it needed
and I don't have the money or energy to tackle it. also, the usual feelings about
denial of death. oh jack.... although I was disappointed when he told me he had
quick claimed the deed to Kay.

call me whenever. it would help to hear a sober and lovely voice. june

cancer vaccine

If u dont speak Portuguese, It tells
that Brazilian Doctor JOSE ALEX BARBUTO has discovered a special vaccin
against cancer of skin or livers. He works in the HOSPITAL SIRIO-LIBANES -
Genoma Group - for residents in Brazil the free-phone is 0800-7737327. For
those one interested in more details about it, message your questions to

message couldn´t be important for u but very important for another one. God
bless u. Jose Luiz.

for those who do speak Portuguese-

> Por favor, divulguem esta vitória da medicina genética brasileira .
> Já existe vacina anti-câncer (pele e rins). Foi desenvolvida por cientistas médicos brasileiros, uma vacina para estes dois tipos de câncer, que mostrou-se eficaz, tanto no estágio inicial como em fase mais avançada.
> A vacina é fabricada em laboratório utilizando um pequeno pedaço do tumor do próprio paciente. Em 30 dias está pronta, e é remetida para o médico oncologista do
> Nome do médico que desenvolveu a vacina:
> José Alexandre Barbuto
> Hospital Sírio Libanês - Grupo Genoma.
> Telefone do Laboratório:0800-7737327
> (falar com Dra. Ana Carolina ou Dra. Karyn, para maiores detalhes)
> Isto sim é algo que precisa ser repassado..........Alguém pode estar precisando.

cancer vaccine

If u dont speak Portuguese, u dont need to open attached message.
(not included)
It tells
that Brazilian Doctor JOSE ALEX BARBUTO has discovered a special vaccin
against cancer of skin or livers. He works in the HOSPITAL SIRIO-LIBANES -
Genoma Group - for residents in Brazil the free-phone is 0800-7737327. For
those one interested in more details about it, message your questions to
message couldn´t be important for u but very important for another one. God
bless u. Jose Luiz.